The product is processed in New Zealand with a US patented and US EPA approved active ingredient. It is also approved by the New Zealand EPA, the Ministry of Primary Industries (Food Safety Approvals) and Asure Quality, for use on food preparation surfaces including for use in the dairy sector.
The product ingredients and manufacturing processes have been certified as halal compliant.
Our NDF products including NDF-Bio75™, NDF-Bio75 Advance™ and NDF-Pro5000™ are unique in the global anti-microbial market. It is best described as a bound antimicrobial surface protectant. The active ingredient is Dimethyloctadecyl [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] ammonium chloride.
Our NDF products forms a layer of molecular-spikes that are co-polymer bonded to surfaces on drying. The molecular-spikes are made up of long chain carbon molecules including positively charged nitrogen ions which attract microbes and kill through an electro-mechanical process (lyses) rather than the leaching effects of the usual toxic chemical antimicrobials. There is no chance of mutation and it is highly effective against super-bugs such as MRSA, VRE, C Diff, and many others. The active ingredient has been proven 99.9% effective against H1N1 (swine flu) and is expected to have the same effect against MERS and Ebola. Testing has also established that the product is effective against Norwalk or noro virus.
In our COVID-19 testing programme, our NDF products have proven 99.996% efficacy against the human coronavirus strain 229E which belongs to the same family as SARS-CoV-2 that has lead to the COVID19 pandemic.
A unique feature of the product is its long lasting quality - up to and beyond 30 days on hard surfaces and up to 24 hours on skin tissue. In those time periods it will not be removed by normal cleaning processes which can continue. That unique quality is not shared by other biocide products produced by the major pharmaceutical companies.
Electron micrograph of nano-spikes on a surface
The presence of the microbiostatic protection of NDF-Bio75 ® is shown from testing on the white wall tiles.
The blue marks on the tiles indicate the presence of the nanospike protective shield that NDF-Bio75™ provides, compared to no protection due to the lack of nanospikes on the other white tiles.
There are a wide range of opportunities for the use of our NDF products, as a non-toxic long lasting antimicrobial: in hospitals, health facilities, transport systems, public buildings, educational facilities, places of worship and anywhere people gather where there is a risk of cross contamination. NDF Bio75 ® and NDF Bio75 Advance ® can be applied by spraying, wiping or fogging onto larger areas such as rooms, trains, ships, planes and buses. It can also be used as a very effective hand sanitiser, providing excellent protection from microbial contamination. It is inert once dried and does not interact with other chemicals.
NDF-Pro5000™ can be applied by immersing new textile material into the product or by adding NDF-Pro5000™ in the final rinse cycle of the washing of worn textile.
The US EPA has identified the product as a low risk biocide suitable for many application areas. These include medical devices, air quality improvement, clothing, textile and bedding, mattresses, carpets and upholstery, concrete, paints and coatings and as a most effective disinfectant.
There are particular applications involving the impregnation of textiles - underwear, military clothing including socks etc.
There is potential for significant technology advances in areas including masks (where preliminary work has been done), wet wipes, air and water filters.
Dr. Han face mask which is NDF-Bio75™ protected
There is substantial scientific and technical information on the product including detailed efficacy and toxicity studies