NDF Biosciences


NDF Biosciences Ltd has a range of non-toxic, long-lasting, environmental friendly products which include NDF-Bio 75™ and related products (NDF-Pro 5000 ™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™).

NDF-Bio75™ is non-toxic, long lasting and contains no alcohol which is significant for Islamic countries. The product is 99.25% water based and as such has no leaching effect on the environment. The unique feature is its long lasting efficacy; after application and allowed to dry it does not wash off, even with regular cleaning. NDF-Bio 75™ is effective against bacteria, mould, fungi, algae and a range of significant viruses.

You can now order NDF-Bio75™ online. Visit our online orders page for more information.

We are also now on Linkedin and Facebook, so follow our pages to stay up to date with how our products can keep you safe against germs.

Tis the season to be vigilant

The Christmas and New Year season is upon us and for many, it means the rush to shop, plan the holidays, meeting up with family and friends. However, there is a difference to this year’s festive season. We are in the midst of an ongoing pandemic with COVID-19 still plaguing many parts of the world.

While enjoying this festive season, it is important keep you and your family and friends safe from the virus- you can do so by using our antimicrobial products, NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ everyday on your hands and on all high touch points around your home or on transportation. Don't forget to apply it on your personal devices such as your smart phone as these are high touch areas and susceptible to contamination. Spraying our products on your face mask is also a must for being protected against germs.

NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ are non-toxic, long-lasting and alcohol-free antimicrobials. It is safe for use on adults, children and even pets and can be applied by spraying, wiping or fogging onto clean surfaces and leaving to dry. This will enable a microbiostatic layer of protection which can kill bacteria, mould, fungi and a significant range of viruses including the human coronavirus, without the use of any chemical intervention.

From all of us at NDF Biosciences- have a safe and jolly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Three Steps for More Effective Face Mask Protection

COVID-19 has made a huge impact on our lives, potentially for the long-haul.  COVID-19 is spread by nasal droplets of an infected person and such droplets can come from sneezes, coughs and by touching contaminated surfaces including face masks.

Face masks can be helpful in preventing the spread of COVID-19  but here’s three important steps to make your face mask more effective in protecting you against germs:

  1. Wash your hands regularly

  2. Apply NDF-Bio75™ to your hands after washing and drying your hands

  3. Spray NDF-Bio75Advance™ onto both sides of your face mask and allow to dry. Re-spray your face mask before reusing or before changing to a new one

These steps will ensure that airborne droplets do not get to your nasal passage and your hands do not contaminate other surfaces including your face when you touch other surfaces.

NDF Biosciences, is committed to your safety with our antimicrobial NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75Advance™ products. Our products are long-lasting, non-toxic and alcohol-free, which provide protection against germs that can last up to 24 hours on skin and 30 days on surfaces.

Visit www.ndfbiosciences.com to learn more

NDF-Bio75™ now being used in self-sanitising machine applications in Hong Kong


We have some exciting news from our Hong Kong distributor NDF Bio Solutions Ltd, who have fully surface treated a medical centre in Hong Kong and have also installed a self-sanitising machine at their entrance to enable patients to self-sanitise with NDF-Bio75™. This means that the centre and patients now have alcohol-free, non-toxic and long-lasting protection against germs (24 hours on skin and up to 30 days on surfaces) and this protection will not wash off during this duration. Now, this is exactly what we need in times of a coronavirus outbreak. Disinfecting isn’t enough- to effectively stay safe against germs, you need durable, continuous and safe protection with NDF-Bio75™.

The 'germ' risk of high touch surfaces

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With COVID19, everyone is becoming more aware of the importance of good hygiene- using sanitisers and face masks as well as washing your hands more often. However, have you ever thought of how germs are transmitted, through high-touch surfaces that everyone touches such as lift buttons and handles?

Let’s say if you sanitise your hands just before you leave your office to go for lunch, you will pass and touch at least 10 surfaces before settling down for food. So with your hands sanitised with an alcohol-based product- it feels great and gives an ‘impression’ of having clean hands. But in fact, the sanitiser would have worn off the moment you touch the first surface.

This is why you need a surface protector that lasts to clean those high touch surfaces and to sanitise your hands (otherwise, you are just believing that you are safe). Only NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ provides you with long-lasting protection: 24-hour protection for your hands and 30-day protection for those high touch surfaces like lift buttons, knobs, keyboards or even touch screens. NDF-Bio75 Advance™ goes even further, providing instant kill against microbes upon contact. Learn more about how NDF-Bio75 ™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ can keep you protected against germs from our website, www.ndfbiosciences.com

HKCEC now protected by NDF products


We are pleased to share that our Hong Kong distributor NDF Bio Solutions Ltd and its associates are using NDF-Bio75™ and NDF-Bio75 Advance™ to protect high-touch surfaces at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Our long-lasting, safe and alcohol-free NDF products will ensure the safety of organisers, visitors and exhibitors during any event at the HKCEC¸ protecting against and killing bacteria, mould, fungi, yeast and a significant range of viruses.